Perler Beads: Corgi Pattern!
HEY! LOOK AT THESE MAGNETS! YES, that is an adorable corgi pattern! ENJOY! Debbie #PeaceSign #Dolphin #PerlerBeadMagnets #PerlerBeads...

Perler Beads: Underwater Friends Patterns!
Hey! Check out these cute patterns! There is a fun octopus, dolphin, and fish! Also, a peace sign but let's focus on the underwater...

Perler Beads: D.VA Bunny Spray Pattern
OH, HEY! It's your fav D.VA main! Here is a look at a D.VA Bunny Spray perler bead pattern. I made it into a lunchbox keychain .One of...

Perler Beads: Shovel Knight!
Hey! Look what I made Lewis. It's ya boy Shovel Knight and a handful of the bosses! There is Shovel Knight, Black Knight, King Knight,...

Professional Reflection: A Lesson in Service
Currently, I am working in a nonprofit where the majority of members are Hispanic. Several of the families do not speak English and...

Professional Reflection: Boundaries Are Important
The Lesson I Learned this Week is: Boundaries are Important! While working at a nonprofit with youth, I met "X", a Teen Adviser. With X,...

Award Ideas for Summer Camps!
Do you need some inspiration? Sick of giving out paper awards at your end of summer camp celebrations? Try these cookie awards! Yes, they...

The Not Bullet, Bullet Journal
At the beginning of the new year I began a bullet journal. I found a lot of inspiration from Boho Berry. I realized that I didn't...

Ceramics: Crab + Ancient Greek Pottery Fusion!
Hey! LOOK I've combined a crab with an ancient Greek style of pottery! There I've turned it into a plant pot. ENJOY! Debbie...

Ceramics: Box
Hey! Check out this box I made. I really don't have that much to say about it... I had to make a box as a class requirement and this is...