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How to Create a Successful Summer Reading LIst

The June issue of Real Simple featured an article of "The 50 Books That Will Change You're Life". This got me reflecting on my summer reading list. Every summer I think I am going to read hundreds of books, then August rolls around and I'm lucky to have read a handful. So, this summer I have given my list a lot of thought and with some helpful direction I have been successful so far!

  • Be realistic to how much you read.

During the school year I'm lucky to fit an entire book into my schedule. I hadn't been reading very much so it's unrealistic to pack my summer reading list full of lengthy novels. If you are not an avid read begin with shorter novels. To start off my summer reading list I chose The Great Gatsby. This was a short easy read that left me pumped to read more. The sense of accomplishment encouraged me to tackle longer books!

  • Account for how much time you will have to read.

Something I have learned about lofty summer reading lists is that I rarely have time to actually complete all of the books. Creating long summer lists, for me at least, seems to discourage me from reading. Keep it short, you can always add more!

  • Before turning to your local Barnes & Noble take a look at your book shelf.

How many of those books have been neglected? Whether they were gifts or impulse buys they have stuck around. Why not read them! You may be surprised by what you read despite the cover.

  • Enjoy what you are reading!

If you don't like what you are reading, STOP! I wanted to read Watchmen because of my boyfriend and it is so long I've been "reading" it for over a year! When it comes to summer leisure reading it is best you enjoy it rather than dread it.

Summer is well on it's way so many of you probably already have a list. Hopefully, with these tips you'll take a second look and make some revisions to create a better super list!


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