Ceramics: Crab + Ancient Greek Pottery Fusion!
Hey! LOOK I've combined a crab with an ancient Greek style of pottery! There I've turned it into a plant pot. ENJOY! Debbie...

Ceramics: Box
Hey! Check out this box I made. I really don't have that much to say about it... I had to make a box as a class requirement and this is...

Ceramics: Underwater Creatures Ocarinas!
Hey! Check out these underwater friends ocarinas and feel inspired! There is a whale, fish, and turtle! Before and after glazing! ENJOY!...

DIY: Placemats!
So, with the beginning of the new school year I've made a lot of new additions to the apartment. My main goal was to create a better...

Wall Decorations!
HEY! It has been awhile but I have been up to some cool things. Here are two wall decorations I have been working on. In the future you'll...

Hiking + Photography + Rock Hunting!
Went hiking today at Lake Monroe. It was beautiful outside. I found lots of cool rocks, geodes, and crinoids! Jewelry tutorials on the...

CD Storage
GO FROM THIS TO THAT! One day I went to look for a CD and I had the hardest time finding it. My CD's were so scattered, I had CD's in the...

How to Create a Successful Summer Reading LIst
The June issue of Real Simple featured an article of "The 50 Books That Will Change You're Life". This got me reflecting on my summer...

During my spring semester I participated in a photography class and once taking the class I found new inspiration in the world around me....

DIY: Seat Cushions
What you'll need: First you will want to trace around the outside rim of your chair and cut. Also cut four strips used to tie bows to the...